
Managers may be unclear or unaware of the 3 components of an Introductory Period Review:

1. Initial

2. Interim

3. Closing

Each of these 3 reviews will generate an inbox task for the manager.  The task will remain until the review is either submitted by the manager or canceled by the HR Partner.

Suggested Response

Solution Center can investigate the status of the Introductory Period reviews by viewing the Worker profile >> Performance tab.  Here you will see the in-progress and completed reviews.  

The response can remind of the 3 review components, indicate which have been completed vs. remain in progress, and inform that, if appropriate, their HR Partner can cancel the review tasks to remove the inbox task.  It is up to the org's HR Partner to advise the manager if the review task should be completed by them (the manager), or canceled by the HR Partner.  

Tip sheet links can also be included that describe the process and timing of each task.

HR Partner Intro Review Tip sheet:

Manager Intro Review Tip sheet: