When an employee has a performance review launched (including Introductory Reviews), then is moved to a new supervisory org with a new manager while the review is still in-progress, the existing review task will remain with the old manager. A request may come in asking to reassign the task to the new manager. The following steps will list the options for task reassignment.
You must have HR Administrator access to complete this action.
- Review the request and confirm the old supervisory org/manager, new supervisory org/manager, and identify who the review task currently sits with. You can locate this by going to the employee's worker profile >> Performance tab, then click on the Process History of their In-progress review.
- There are two options to process the task reassignment:
- Workday Operations: Administratively via Reassign Tasks task
- Select 'Reassign Tasks for Worker' and enter the old manager's name who the task currently sits with
- On the next screen in the 'Reassign To' column, select the new manager for the individual task. Also add a comment for 'Reassignment Reason', ex. the ticket number.
- When clicking OK, the task will be moved to the new manager.
- Manager: The old manager who currently holds the task can self-initiate a reassignment request via the gear icon in their inbox task
- Click the gear icon, then select Reassign
- Select the new manager for the 'Proposed Person' field, and add a reassignment reason, and submit. The manager has now completed their reassignment step.
- Next a task will come to the Workday Operations inbox for 'Business Process Reassignment Requests'. Workday Ops can approve the request.
- Workday Operations: Administratively via Reassign Tasks task
Text to copy and paste to the person submitting a ticket:
The old manager who currently holds the task can self-initiate a reassignment request via the gear icon in their inbox task.
- Click the gear icon, then select Reassign
- Select the new manager for the 'Proposed Person' field, and add a reassignment reason, and submit. The manager has now completed their reassignment step.